As an investor you surely wonder why you should invest in LullaMe rather than in some other startup or company. Here is my list of why you should invest in LullaMe 1) We solve a real problem I think the...

Why have kids?
I think you have noticed how media plays the role of Cassandra about having kids. Once kids come along you will become unhappy, you don’t get any sleep and your relationship suffers. These are some of the reasons why a lot of the young people have decided that they don’t want kids. This article is about why it shouldn't be like this.

Reflux in babies
Reflux causes that stomach's contents will come back up into the esophagus, throat, and mouth. This can irritate the esophagus and cause the burning feeling in your chest or throat. Usually babies will spit up or gag in the middle of eating. Reflux is very common – about 10% of the Finns experience reflux daily.

Why babies cry and how to soothe them
Even though there are many reasons for your baby’s tears, there are four main reasons for crying: hunger, pain, fear or irritation. I listed few signs to help you to recognize these and gave you 5 ways to soothe your crying baby.