Posts tagged "baby reflux"
Teething keeps up the whole family awake. What to do? What are the signs your baby is teething? What are the best teething remedies? How long will teething last? Check the best tips for teething babies!
Reflux in babies
Reflux causes that stomach's contents will come back up into the esophagus, throat, and mouth. This can irritate the esophagus and cause the burning feeling in your chest or throat. Usually babies will spit up or gag in the middle of eating. Reflux is very common – about 10% of the Finns experience reflux daily.
Colic, reflux, flatulence, or allergy – Why is my baby crying?
When searching a reason for your baby’s tears, a question will pop up: Has my baby colic, reflux, flatulence, or allergy?