For years we have swaddled and used soothers to ensure the feelings of safety for newborns. Finally we are able to offer also movement to a normal standard-sized cot!
We are now introducing LullaMe Solina 2-in-1 Sleep Solution.

This premium quality and award-winning LullaMe Sleep Solution is the culmination of persistent work and development since 2014. It is designed by professionals from the fields of technology, textile industry, and families; in order to support and rely on the recommendations and results of international research.
Each product is individually assembled in Finland, to ensure quality and safety.
LullaMe Solina Sleep Solution helps the baby to fall asleep easier, increases sleep duration, and calms a restless baby with a natural and safe movement. In short LullaMe Solina brings the motion from cradles, cars, and strollers to a standard-sized cot.

"I don't need to rock my baby to sleep for hours anymore"
"LullaMe Solina can improve the quality of your evenings, or even your whole life when you have a small baby."
"It just worked"
The Story
LullaMe Solina is named after the little girl, who kept her parents awake and made them rock her through night and day. Read the whole story
LullaMe Solina Sleep Solution helps the baby to fall asleep easier, increases sleep duration, and calms a restless baby with a natural and safe movement. In short LullaMe Solina brings the motion from cradles, cars, and strollers to a standard-sized cot.
Simple design
Airy cover keeps baby cool and dry
Secures airflow
Frame built of natural plywood and stylish aluminum
OEKO-TEX® certified fabrics, hypoallergenic and free from harmful substances
Designed and made in Helsinki, Finland.
Each product is individually assembled.
Mechanical parts are secured and beyond the reach of the baby
CE marked
Automated Rocking motion
5 different speeds
Controlled by a mobile app or a remote control
All parents lose sleep - some up to 6 years after childbirth*
International research is unified: sleep is a significant factor in well-being for both parents and babies.
Sleep behaviors of babies has effects on the postpartum depression.
In the univariate analyses, sleep patterns characterizing a sleep problem included the infant sleeping in the parent's bed, being nursed to sleep, taking longer to fall asleep, waking more often and for longer periods overnight, and taking shorter naps. The same sleep patterns were associated with high depression scores and tended to increase as depression scores increased.
Too little sleep for babies has effects on brains.
A wide range of clinical and observational data support a general picture that inadequate sleep results in tiredness, diffi culties with focussed attention, low threshold to express negative affect (irritability and easy frustration), and diffi culty modulating impulses and emotions.
The effects of postpartum depression on child’s cognitive and emotional development
Cognitive development
found that increased levels of maternal depression were significantly related at 1 year to poorer infant mental and motor development as assessed by the Bayley scales.
Emotional development
The children of the index mothers (depressed mothers) showed less affective sharing, a lower rate of overall interactive behaviour, less concentration, and more negative responses. These infants also showed less sociability to a stranger.
Sleep is the foundation of our well-being. By securing enough sleep for both babies and parents, the base for building that special bond is stronger.
By prioritizing sleep, we are one step closer to LullaMe’s vision:
#happierfamilies.*Long-term effects of pregnancy and childbirth on sleep satisfaction and duration of fi rst-time and experienced mothers and fathers. Sleep, vol. 42, issue 4, April 2019